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Solution ITSM de nouvelle génération par excellence, Tentaq est un logiciel helpdesk de gestion du service complet qui prend en charge les appels de service, la géolocalisation des véhicules, la gestion des employés, le suivi des opérations, l'archivage des informations et plus encore!

Unified administration console and multiple access

One of the great advantages of a Web console is the possibility of opening more consoles on the same workstation and also of having multiple simultaneous accesses from different locations. For example, a user can view inventory data on one web page while planning purchases from a supplier or service requests for stakeholders on other pages or tabs. This allows great agility for the user.

Teamwork for work and service requests

More than one responder can be assigned to a service request. Each employee can enter their working hours and the parts they use in the request. Using the project function, you can also assign specific tasks to an employee and track the progress of the work. This possibility offers a global and real vision of the various interventions while offering unified invoicing when several participants are involved in a specific work.

Solution ITSM de nouvelle génération par excellence, Tentaq est un logiciel helpdesk de gestion du service complet qui prend en charge les appels de service, la géolocalisation des véhicules, la gestion des employés, le suivi des opérations, l'archivage des informations et plus encore!
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